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In order to take part in Kaijutopia, you'll need your own Kaiju! Take a moment and read through the process of making your own Kaiju. These rules are pretty strict! But, they are there for a reason. You will have plenty of ways to grow and change your character as time passes, I promise!


Every user is allowed two Kaiju for free! However, only one can be made at a time. This means that you will not be able to create a second Kaiju until your first has grown up!

Choosing a Base Color


All young Kaiju start off looking pretty similar, and one of the most defining aspects of diversity at this age is their color scheme! Once you have the base color picked out, take a look at the available color palettes.


These color palettes show what other colors are available per base color chosen. Please note that only up to two (2) of the four optional colors may be added to your Kaiju! This keeps the young beasts looking less cluttered and have a much more basic design.

Choosing Markings

Once you've chosen the two other colors/shades from the palette you've chosen, next it's time to decide which markings to give your Kaiju! Again, to keep each young Kaiju looking simple and less like a hot mess, you may only have up to four (4) of the markings listed below!


Note: None of these markings cannot be dual-colored. No gradients, stripes, spots, anything of the like. Keep these designs as basic as possible.

Fin and Eye Colors

Now's the time for your characters colors to become a bit more unique! The eyes and fins of your Kaiju can be ANY COLOR you want, EXCEPT for PURE BLACK and PURE WHITE!


Please note that if you choose for your hatchling's tail fin to be blue, then the fins on its arms MUST match. PLEASE do not use any gradients, dual-tones, or anything of the sort. No markings are permitted in this area. The same goes for the eye colors. They eyes do not have to match the fins, but the two eyes should be the same solid color. No gradients, no dual tones, no mis-matched eyes.



Want to test your color and marking choices before drawing your Kaiju? Use this free-to-use base!



Please do not create Kaiju for the sake of selling them 

or highly editing the base to create something new from it.



Once you have your colors and markings for your Kaiju picked out, it's time to draw them! To get your Kaiju approved, draw your hatchling in a pose that would show all of its limbs clearly. Do keep in mind that we do not allow tracing of any kind! Referencing is fine, but we encourage you to try drawing your character in a unique pose so we know you understand the anatomy. NOTE: The more basic and standard pose, the better!


Below are the submission templates available to you based on the color scheme you've chosen! When drawing, make sure to EYEDROP/COLOR PICK the EXACT colors on the palette provided!


"What if I draw traditionally?"

Perfectly fine! If you wish to print out the template to scan it back in, you are more than welcome to do so! Or you can scan in your drawing and place it on the template with a photo editing software. Make sure your Kaiju is colored! We are more lenient with colors on traditional works, but please make sure it's at least recognizable.


Keep in mind that shading or lighting of any kind is not permitted on Kaiju applications! We want to see the colors on your Kaiju clearly without them being obstructed by shadow hues.

Once you've drawn your Kaiju on the application template, post the image of your application under #character-submissions in the Discord server with the following information:













Note: everyone's first Kaiju will be a MYO or "Make Your Own" creation type. There are other ways of creating Kaiju, such as Auctions and Breeding, but you don't need to worry about that here. Just list it as MYO.




Creation Type:

Is this your first Kaiju?:

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