Atomic energy is something that every Kaiju is born with. After spending years of their life feeding off of the radiation pools that lie deep in the ocean, adult Kaiju can learn how to harvest this energy to unlock special abilities.
What Does Atomic Energy Entail?
Mastering atomic energy, while being a difficult task, can give your Kaiju unique and possibly elemental abilities! Every Kaiju will start off learning Basic Atomic, which comes with the ability to use atomic breath, the ability to sense radiation, and to even see in the dark. After Basic Atomic is learned, Kaiju can then branch off into learning different elemental abilities.
How Can My Kaiju Learn Atomic Energy?
First, only ADULT Kaiju may learn to use atomic energy! Any drawings with young Kaiju attempting to learn atomic energy will not be counted. To learn how to use atomic energy, your Kaiju can sign up for classes! Classes entail a month's worth of prompts that will be given once per week, each instructing your Kaiju on learning the skills that come with atomic energy.
The Learning Process
There are two different ways to learn atomic: Atomic Classes and Self-Taught Atomic!
While attending a class will allow your Kaiju to be more proficient in the skills in a much shorter time, both are viable to learn Atomic.
Atomic Classes Entail:
> 4 Weeks worth of drawing prompts
> Weekly homework deadlines
> 4 Total drawings needed
> Limited sign-up times
Self Taught Atomic Entails:
> 8 Weeks to complete rather than 4
> No deadlines, finish at your own pace
> Must come up with your own prompts
> 8 Total drawings needed
NOTE: Some upgrades will require the completion of a class! Others may only require that your Kaiju knows how to use the Atomic abilities.
Atomic Energy Requirements
To learn Atomic, your Kaiju MUST be an adult. Each Atomic Element also has its own requirement. Beginner Kaiju must start by learning Basic Atomic before attempting to learn any elements!
> To be proficient in any kind of Atomic, the wait time is mandatory. Even if self-taught, you must wait the 2 months and have all 8 prompts completed to be known as proficient.
> All prompts must be your BEST WORK! This includes having a background, foreground, shading, lighting, etc.
> The prompts must show your Kaiju attempting to learn and use the abilities that go with the Atomic you are trying to learn! If you enroll in a class, these prompts will be given to you.
> Your Kaiju must NOT be shown as being skilled at their element until the wait time is over! The prompts should show struggle of some sort, as all Atomic has a learning curve.
> The prompts must cover ALL of the abilities listed.
While being self-taught, your finished prompts may be posted along with #finished-artwork Class Homework will have its own special place to submit their work. When you have finished all of the pieces of art and have spent enough time, fill out the form in #self-taught-applications to make it official. Make sure you make note of your starting date!
When a class opens for registration, it'll be announced in #announcements
You can then head over to #class-signups to sign your Kaiju up for said class! From there, your homework will be handed over to you in #class-prompts and your homework should be turned in at #homework-turnin